(start right)My Mei...My jie...and me...(==)
My Jie and me...
My Jie and My mei lar...big eye(-,-)
My Jie(oh ya...photo take by her handphone...)
My mei...why look moodless leh...?
siao zha bo...me lar...A person eat ice-cream in a cold temperature...
Those photo is take before we go to watch
walao...so cold...(==)
and I also dunno what is"冷到爆"
eat ice cream...
My hand is red colour one!!!
cause of H1N1...
a long time dun go shopping centre again...
and I need to prepare percubaan PMR jor...
band practise stop jor...
It need to rest liao..till PMR finish..
I think I will miss my stick....cry(TT)
Oh yeah~Finally wait dio new H.P
so must wait its dvd again...
lol...Harry Potter...I wait you har...
and I listen someone say Twilight 2 will coming soon
maybe is on September...
cry again...that time is PMR!!!(maybe Before PMR...same pun!!)
what is a things call"LIFE"..?
three line...(lll)
by Eagern